GreenerBuildings project website

GreenerBuildings is an Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) project funded under the European Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) on Engineering of Networked Monitoring and Control Systems and Wireless Sensor Networks and Cooperating Objects.

GreenerBuildings develops an integrated solution for energy-aware adaptation of public buildings. It investigates self-powered sensors and actuators, occupant activity and behaviour inference, and an embedded software for coordinating thousands of smart objects with the goals of energy saving and user support.

GreenerBuildings embraces the following key principles in order to achieve its goals: living-lab experimentation and validation, an agile interdisciplinary consortium, and a user centric approach. In particular, the validation will consider test cases with at least 1.000 networked devices deployed in living-lab buildings.

Project partners:

TUE Universiteit Groningen CINI Sapienza Fluid Solutions Philips ITRI Advantic


  This project is funded by the seventh framework programme: